Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Archangel Michael and the Rugby Boys

2 days ago I was riding a jeepney on my way to work. I was so sleepy that my head kept falling sideways. My drowsiness quickly went away when two boys, around 8 to 10 years of age, hitchhiked with us. They were sniffing rugby the moment they boarded the jeep until we reached the terminal. "Ano ba 'yan, bata pa lang adik na. Tsk tsk" I told my self. 

I walked going to the bus stop and took a ride.

It's not my habit to watch movies while riding the bus, but since my iPod was dead I had no choice. The movie onboard was "Legion" starring Paul Bettany as Archangel Michael. I'm sure you've seen the movie, but if you haven't then let me give a brief background. God lost his faith in humanity, sent his angels to destroy humanity and ultimately the Archangel Michael in order the kill the 'savior' who will be born (but ended up disobeying God). It's not your usual apocalyptic movie, but it sure is a good one. 

Anyway, I was thinking about the two rugby boys while watching the movie. Yes, they are 'addicts' but it's not entirely their fault. First thing that popped into my mind why this happened to them: the parents. Yes, the parents. I wonder how these people sleep at night. They have children but doesn't seem to mind what's happening to them. I've met and personally know a lot of parents who are 'as poor as a church mouse' but managed to bring up their kids. They might not have enrolled them in exclusive schools or provided them with the latest gadgets like tablets and fancy phones, but they raised their kids to be God-fearing, decent, appreciative about the little things...altruistic even (my cousin is one. Rest in peace, ate). 

The 'archangels' who were supposed to watch over these kids failed. I hope they realize that their kids need their love and support, bond with them at home and not to tell their dad who is playing cards at the wake of a neighbor or their mom who plays bingo at the perya to go home since no one will take care of Junior. 

I went home right after my shift and sifted through my photo albums. Looking back, I was so lucky to be raised by two wonderful 'archangels' whom I fondly call mom and dad (not only them, but also my titos and titas, lolos and lolas). I wonder if I would encounter those two rugby boys again. If ever, I hope I can talk to them and give them a little something for Christmas.

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